My Writing Space

I have been meaning to post photos of my first ever writing space but my time was taken up with last minute work on an event that took place on Saturday.

And then Sunday I was busy not moving and watching “Scandal”.

And then Monday was taken up with looking at the results of the event and doing some trouble shooting. One thing I learned from the event is that I am a genius at silent auction pricing. I really am so damn good at that. My live auction ideas need some work as two packages that I thought were super spiffy, were not. At least not to this crowd. Don’t you think that a private bocce party at a vineyard with your friends and food and wine would be fun? Or a guided salmon fishing trip? Nope. Those were the two packages I was thrilled about and I was wrong.

Earlier today was taken up with my dear, sweet car going into the shop. Then hearing from mechanic Goran, in his lovely Slavic accent, tell me, “there is so much” ahhhhh ahahahaha. Oh I know Goran, there is so much and I am a crappy car owner but here is a kidney, my favorite jeans, my new neon pink Sharpie pen, and my retirement savings….please let me know when I will see her again.

Finally, here is my new desk and writing/work space which is in the former sitting area of my bedroom. Don’t you all have sitting area’s in your bedrooms? A snug area where you put an armchair and some books and framed photos so you have a cozy place to pile your dirty clothes? Yeah, well the cute vintage chair that I never had reupholstered turned into a scratching post for the cat and a combo hamper/filing cabinet for me. It’s gone!

In its place is this lovely desk and chair purchased at the low low Litko discount from my sister who is moving.


There it is! I love it although it reminds me that I need new carpet/flooring in the bedroom.

Let’s look at other stuff in my room, this is going to be so much fun!

IMG_5210That there is my night stand with my book piles and my dad’s shillelagh which I will use to crack an intruder’s head, if need be.

Last summer I subscribed to the Friday, Saturday, Sunday package of the NY Times because the Oregonian is now the size of an Archie comic.

IMG_5211That is a selection of the NYT sections I haven’t read yet because three days of the NY Times’ is too much to read if I am to keep up with Scandal, Downton Abbey and start watching Better Call Saul. The cat’s tail is featured in the upper right hand corner.

I will try to write a post from my new desk and let you know when I do. I’m so used to writing at work, it will be difficult to compose in a different environment. Do any of you bloggers have that issue? I get very hung up on where I write. Anyone? No, just me? Check.

20 thoughts on “My Writing Space

  1. Mag, I write best from the confines of my sanctum sanctorum at a table that serves double duty as my desk. It’s very hard for me to concentrate on personal writing at The Grind, but if a bit of inspired thinking strikes I will jot a note.

  2. Car repairs are the worst. My old beloved car was finally on its last leg and was going to need more in repairs than the car was worth, so I finally had to trade it in for a new one. And now I have a car payment and that REALLY sucks. Kind of like being an adult. Boo.

    That bocce game in the vineyard sounds amazing!

  3. That bocce party does sound like fun!

    I get hung up with where I write too! I hate distractions, so I have a writing corner at home that’s well-lit and doesn’t have as many distractions as, say, a coffee shop.

  4. Love the desk. I’ve been on the hunt for antique Bobbin chairs. The legs of your table remind me of them.

    I pretty much blog on the fly, or on the toilet (ewww, not really) – either using iPad or iPhone. Rarely sit at computer to compose. Of course, I wouldn’t call what I do writing. 🙂

    Happy almost Valentine’s Day.

    1. Hey C, are you still blogging? Am I missing something? This table is making me so happy. Mango wood is really heavy. It’s solid. Love it.

      Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Mr. EOSR. I see photos of the “spot” all the time as they are on the scroll on our main TV. xo

      1. Well, I’m scribbling random thoughts again; calling it blogging is being generous. I was in retirement for a year and a half, unable to stand hearing myself prattle another insipid word! Then one day I woke up and started posting again. Go figure. 🙂

  5. Wow, I am a newbie to the “blogging concept” ~ literally 48 hours old. Your wit and presentation captured me within the first 15 words. I happened across your blog due to the whole health/weight loss kind of thing however, I’m so looking forward to your take on the world regardless of your topic of the day! Really nice work!

    1. Thank you so much and welcome to blogging land! I’m so glad you like my blog. I’m absolutely no good at dieting but I found I’m a pretty good writer! I will go check out your place.

  6. That’s kind of what my office looks like. It’s the spot where I plop laundry on the bed to sort it, where I drop off baby things on the storage bench, keep everything extra that doesn’t fit baby’s closet and where my home office is since I work from home a few days a week. It’s organized chaos.

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